Post by Skiiilerwolf on Mar 8, 2015 20:43:29 GMT -6
W=Forward. A=Left. S=Back. D=Left. F=Fighting stance. R=Auto Run/Walk. Space Bar=jump.
[Hit space bar twice to double jump only if you don't have wings.]
Caps Lock = Lock Walk/Run.
Hold Shift+W,A,S,D = Walk/Run.
Hold Left Control/CTRL = Crouch/Crawl.
Right Control/CTRL = Turns on "Pivot" moving Style.
Shift+Enter = New line when typing Bio.
C =to fly.
PageUp =Fly high/Swim Up.
PageDown =Fly low/Dive.
When on hill jump then press C
Z = to sit.
Z+Z = lay down, head in the air.
Z+Z+Z = lay down, head on the ground.
Z+X = lay down sideways.
Z+X+X = lay on your side.
Z+X+X+X = lay on your back.
Alt = look forward.
H = Opens Home Menu. You can change dimensions by clicking the 0 and entering a different number, then press 'change'.
B= Opens Bio Menu. You can write your character's biography in this window.
N = Opens Friend List Menu. You can see your Friend's List as well as map population and your Blocked List.
I = Opens Item Menu. You can stash your items or drop them from this menu.
J = Opens Command List. You can change positions or emotions from this menu.
P = Opens Party Menu. Shows who is in your party
F1 = 3rd Person. Click and hold mouse to look around. Arrow keys also move you around. W,A,S,D moves your body around.
F2 = 3rd person, Right mouse click moves camera, left click moves person. Clicking on another person or prey item brings up their user menu options.
F3 = W,A,S,D moves camera, great for screen shots.
F4 = First person.
F5 = Like F2, but the camera is slightly higher above character.
Alt+Tab = Minimize Game Window.
PrintScreen(Prt Scr) = Take screen shot.
Tab key = Turns Off: Name tags, Chat Windows and Health bar. Good for taking screen shots.
Chat Controls
Here is the current list of chat controls:
Grave Accent (` or ~) = Switch Between General, Party and Local Chats.
Click enter to type, click enter again to send it into the chatbox.
General Chat - This is the green chat. The one that does not bring the words above your head. Best used for role plays as the chat bubbles can no interfere with the role play descriptions or such.
Local Chat - It brings what you say into a chat bubble above your head. Best used for Out of Character chat.
Party Chat - This is a unique chat. Where no matter what map or dimension you still can see what members of your party are saying. First, you need to get a party. Or else you will be talking to yourself.
Click on a friend, click Invite Party. If they are in a party already - then in the Party chat it will state as so, if not it will say if they have accepted or declined joining. You have a "P" button that list all members in the party there. That is also where you can leave the party. (Logging out and timing out does d/c from the party). Once you have members in your party, you can chat among yourselves without anyone else seeing what you type - besides your party members! No need to PM them either. Simply type to them in the Party Chat, and as said no matter the dimension or map - they can hear you!
/me sits. Will end up appearing in the chat box as. Yourusername/Characternamehere sits.
/Kov:Hay there
This sends a Private Message to "Kov", saying "Hay there". You can change the name to anyone online to PM them, just use the same /Name:message format. [Members must be online the game to receive private message.]
/sethome - Set your Home Point
/gohome - Go to the last Home Point you've set
/resethome - Resets your Home Point to the middle of the Default map.
/friend Name - Adds "Name" to your Friends list.
/unfriend Name - Removes "Name" from your Friends list.
/block Name - Adds "Name" to your Blocked list.
/unblock Name - Removes "Name" from your Blocked list.
/position - Shows the coordinates you're in.
/roll 1 6 - Rolls "1" dice of "6" sides, for whatever purpose.
/release pet - Releases your pet.
Note: press the UP arrow to repeat the last command
W=Forward. A=Left. S=Back. D=Left. F=Fighting stance. R=Auto Run/Walk. Space Bar=jump.
[Hit space bar twice to double jump only if you don't have wings.]
Caps Lock = Lock Walk/Run.
Hold Shift+W,A,S,D = Walk/Run.
Hold Left Control/CTRL = Crouch/Crawl.
Right Control/CTRL = Turns on "Pivot" moving Style.
Shift+Enter = New line when typing Bio.
C =to fly.
PageUp =Fly high/Swim Up.
PageDown =Fly low/Dive.
When on hill jump then press C
Z = to sit.
Z+Z = lay down, head in the air.
Z+Z+Z = lay down, head on the ground.
Z+X = lay down sideways.
Z+X+X = lay on your side.
Z+X+X+X = lay on your back.
Alt = look forward.
H = Opens Home Menu. You can change dimensions by clicking the 0 and entering a different number, then press 'change'.
B= Opens Bio Menu. You can write your character's biography in this window.
N = Opens Friend List Menu. You can see your Friend's List as well as map population and your Blocked List.
I = Opens Item Menu. You can stash your items or drop them from this menu.
J = Opens Command List. You can change positions or emotions from this menu.
P = Opens Party Menu. Shows who is in your party
F1 = 3rd Person. Click and hold mouse to look around. Arrow keys also move you around. W,A,S,D moves your body around.
F2 = 3rd person, Right mouse click moves camera, left click moves person. Clicking on another person or prey item brings up their user menu options.
F3 = W,A,S,D moves camera, great for screen shots.
F4 = First person.
F5 = Like F2, but the camera is slightly higher above character.
Alt+Tab = Minimize Game Window.
PrintScreen(Prt Scr) = Take screen shot.
Tab key = Turns Off: Name tags, Chat Windows and Health bar. Good for taking screen shots.
Chat Controls
Here is the current list of chat controls:
Grave Accent (` or ~) = Switch Between General, Party and Local Chats.
Click enter to type, click enter again to send it into the chatbox.
General Chat - This is the green chat. The one that does not bring the words above your head. Best used for role plays as the chat bubbles can no interfere with the role play descriptions or such.
Local Chat - It brings what you say into a chat bubble above your head. Best used for Out of Character chat.
Party Chat - This is a unique chat. Where no matter what map or dimension you still can see what members of your party are saying. First, you need to get a party. Or else you will be talking to yourself.
Click on a friend, click Invite Party. If they are in a party already - then in the Party chat it will state as so, if not it will say if they have accepted or declined joining. You have a "P" button that list all members in the party there. That is also where you can leave the party. (Logging out and timing out does d/c from the party). Once you have members in your party, you can chat among yourselves without anyone else seeing what you type - besides your party members! No need to PM them either. Simply type to them in the Party Chat, and as said no matter the dimension or map - they can hear you!
/me sits. Will end up appearing in the chat box as. Yourusername/Characternamehere sits.
/Kov:Hay there
This sends a Private Message to "Kov", saying "Hay there". You can change the name to anyone online to PM them, just use the same /Name:message format. [Members must be online the game to receive private message.]
/sethome - Set your Home Point
/gohome - Go to the last Home Point you've set
/resethome - Resets your Home Point to the middle of the Default map.
/friend Name - Adds "Name" to your Friends list.
/unfriend Name - Removes "Name" from your Friends list.
/block Name - Adds "Name" to your Blocked list.
/unblock Name - Removes "Name" from your Blocked list.
/position - Shows the coordinates you're in.
/roll 1 6 - Rolls "1" dice of "6" sides, for whatever purpose.
/release pet - Releases your pet.
Note: press the UP arrow to repeat the last command